National Science Chair SERB 2023 One of the most notable developments in the S&T sector in the XI Plan has been the setting up of the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) through an Act of Parliament, viz. the Science and Engineering Research Board Act, 2008. Promoting basic research in Science and Engineering and providing financial assistance to persons engaged in such research, academic institutions, research and development laboratories, industrial concerns, and other agencies for such research and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto are the primary and distinctive mandates of the Board.SERB aims to build up the best management systems that would match the best global practices in the area of promotion and funding of basic research. If this article we will give you brief information about the National Science Chair SERB, its Objective, Benefits, Eligibility Criteria, Application Procedure, and much more.
About National Science Chair SERB 2023
The landscape of Indian science has been expanding at an accelerated pace. It is therefore advisable to match the pace while providing opportunities for growth of senior scientists, even beyond superannuation too. In the absence of these opportunities, eminent academicians and performing senior scientists, at times face challenges to continue research. These scientists possess a great amount of knowledge and more importantly the experience that they have accumulated over many years, a non-replaceable treasure that can be lost if avenues are not made available to them. These elites have an excellent track record as evidenced by their election to the prestigious Science and Engineering Academics as well as high-impact publications, patents, and recognition. There are a few chairs/professorships available in the country instituted by various ministries/departments/ academies with public funds. Considering the limited number of such opportunities, SERB has been catering to one such scheme – National Science Chair (NSC).
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Key Highlights of National Science Chair SERB
Conducted by | SERB |
Name of Program | National Science Chair SERB |
Objective | To recognize active eminent senior resident Indian superannuated scientists |
Benefits | Received an Award |
Eligibility Criteria | Indian Scientist |
Last date | Updated Soon |
Official Website | |
Objective of National Science Chair SERB
The main aim of the scheme is to recognize active eminent senior resident Indian superannuated scientists for their outstanding contributions both nationally and internationally, in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM), and Medicine, to promote excellence and growth in R&D.
When an Individual Starts His/Her Awards
A letter is sent by the SERB to the nominee as well as to the host Institute informing the award of NSC. After receiving the same the nominee has to join the chair within six months of the date of the offer letter and send his / her Acceptance Letter to the Host Institute, indicating the tentative Date / Month when the nominee wants to start the award. Then the Institute will forward his Acceptance / Joining Letter to Science & Engineering Research Board along with the updated details of the bank for transfer of funds through RTGS (in the prescribed format). Based on this letter, SERB will process the file for getting administrative and financial approvals and then a Sanction Order is issued to the Host Institute. The start date, as per the joining letter date of the nominee, of the award will be mentioned in the Sanction Order.
Eligibility Criteria
- The nominee should be an active resident Indian scientist/academician, with an outstanding research track record in any one or more areas of STEM and medicine, particularly during the last five years.
- A nominee must have received recognition for his/her work from national/international scientific bodies such as fellowship in prestigious academies and S&T awards
- The nominee could be affiliated to an academic institution / R&D lab or should have consent on the subject from the future host institution.
Important Dates
The last date for application form submission will be updated soon
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Application Procedure for National Science Chair SERB 2023
- The applicant first visits the SERB website of SERB.
- The homepage will appear on your screen where you have to click on the Login link.
- If you are a new user then, click on the New User link.
- Now, the form will display on your screen, where you have to enter some general details such as:
- User name
- Password
- Name
- Date of birth
- Mobile number
- Category
- Nationality
- Gender, etc.
- After filling in all the details click on the submit button for the final submission of the form.
Contact Details
- Science and Engineering Research Board
- 3rd & 4th Floor, Block II,
- Technology Bhawan,
- New Mehrauli Road
- New Delhi – 110 016
- For General Enquiries and extensions of specific program offices
- Telephone: 011-26511173