In an event that was held on Thursday, the chief minister of the West Bengal state launched a new scholarship scheme. This scholarship will help people who are coming from the backward section of society. The people can check out the information on the West Bengal Medhashree scholarship 2025 from the article provided below and we will also share with you all the eligibility criteria that you need to follow to be a part of the scholarship. You can check out the details related to the application procedure and also the benefits related to this scholarship from the article provided below.
About Medhashree Scholarship
A new scholarship inaugurated by the Chief Minister of the West Bengal State Mamta Banerjee on Thursday is known as the Medhashree scholarship. This scholarship is available for students belonging to backward classes and minority communities. The Chief Minister inaugurated this scholarship recently to benefit the people of the different cities of the West Bengal State. 67 projects were also inaugurated by the Chief Minister and 91 projects were announced in order to provide opportunities to the people. Financial benefits will be provided to the people belonging to the minority community through the development of this scholarship.
Objective Of Medhashree Scheme
The objective of this scholarship is to provide opportunities to people belonging to the financially backward section of society. The chief minister of the West Bengal state announced this scholarship on Thursday. The Chief Minister said that she will be providing the scholarship opportunity as it has already been provided to the beneficiaries. The central government stopped providing scholarship opportunities a long time ago to the people as per the announcements made by the Chief Minister of West Bengal.
Also Read: WBMDFC Scholarship
Eligibility Criteria
The applicant must follow the following eligibility criteria in order to successfully apply for this prestigious scholarship:-
- The applicant must be a resident of the West Bengal State.
- The applicant must belong to the OBC category
Award Details
The following awards will be provided to the people who are applying for this scholarship:-
- A scholarship of rupees 800 per month will be provided to the people applying for this scholarship.
Documents Required
The following documents are required to apply for the scholarship:-
- Minority certificate (Issued by an appropriate authority)
- Marksheets of qualifying examinations
- Family Annual Income Certificate
- Domicile of West Bengal Certificate
- Aadhaar Card Photocopy
- Bank copy with Account No/ IFSC Code
- Recent Photograph
West Bengal Medhashree Scholarship Application Procedure
To apply for the scholarship we will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the WB Medhashree website of this scholarship portal of the West Bengal state by clicking on the link given here.
- The homepage will open.
- Click on the option called Student’s Area and a new page will open on your screen.
- Click on the Fresh Registration option
- Now you have to select your district
- The application form will open..
- Enter your basic information.
- Verify all of the details.
- Click on the submit button.
- Now fill in the eligibility details.
- Click on the button called Submit And Proceed
- A user ID will be generated.
- You have to keep the user ID and password safe.
- Now you have to log in using your information.
- Enter all of the other information.
- Verify all of the details.
- Click on the Final Submit button.
- You have to take a printout of the application form.
- Submit the application form to the concerned institution.
- You have to also attach the passbook of the bank account and your IFSC code.
Online Login Procedure
To login to the official website you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of this scholarship portal of the West Bengal state by clicking on the link given here.
- The homepage will open.
- Click on the option called Student’s Area and a new page will open on your screen.
- Click on the Student’s Login option
- A new page will open..
- Enter all of the information.
- You have to click on the option called login.
- You will be successfully login.
Tracking Application Status
If you want to track your application status then you need to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of this scholarship portal of the West Bengal state by clicking on the link given here.
- The homepage will open.
- Click on the option called Track Application present on the home screen
- A new page will open.
- You need to select your district.
- Now enter all of the other information such as application ID and mobile number.
- Make sure you verify your details.
- Click on submit.
- Application status will open.
Contact Details Under Medhashree Scholarship
- Toll-Free Number: 1800-120-2130
- Official E-Mail ID:
Name of Officers | Designation | Contact No. |
West Bengal Medhashree Scholarship 2025 FAQs
The applicant will be provided financial assistance so that they can continue their education through the development of this scholarship.
The applicant must be a permanent resident of the West Bengal State and the applicant must belong to the
The applicant can visit the official scholarship portal created by the West Bengal government in order to fill out the application form for the scholarship.
The main objective of the scheme is to provide opportunities for people to complete their education in the West Bengal State.
You will need your caste certificate and other information in order to successfully fill out the application form.